Trusted partner for digital success
Our Services
We believe that every client is unique. Therefore, so is our approach to each new project. By creating tailor-made solutions that are within your budget, we want to not only support your business but to elevate it. Your success is our priority. We value open communication and doing business in a transparent way.
Ready to get started?
We'd love to find out more about you, your business and your current projects. One of our team members will get back to you shortly and set up a call to discuss your needs further.
Software Development as a Service Business Impact
ALLIANCE TRADING GROUP Solutions offers a comprehensive set of custom software development services to help you grow your business and reach your business goals. Whether it’s custom software, a mobile application, an e-commerce website or a web application, we deliver complex, world-class software solutions.
Build Innovative Solutions
Bring your software visions to life by leveraging emerging technologies.
Accelerate Speed to Market
Achieve continuous delivery cycles to outpace your competitors with faster speed to market.
Expand Your Team Capacity
Fill your talent gaps and enhance your team’s skills with senior-level developers.
Gain a Reliable Partner
We’ve served over 200 clients and develop our own software companies in house, which sets us apart from the rest.
Our Approach to Software Development
For new software product creation, our dedicated development teams use agile and continuous delivery practices to accelerate development. We focus on cost-effective and metrics-driven execution to maximize value for our customers.
We work with you to gain clarity on your needs, defining clear business outcomes to set up a successful engagement.
We determine the best solution for your needs and develop a plan of action, including design, staffing, and delivery approach.
Our skilled engineers efficiently execute the plan and validate the solution, providing iterative delivery and constant communication.
We implement and support the final product, delivering defined metrics, optimal results, and continuous improvement.
Cloud Development
Cloud software development is changing the way humans and technology interact, now and forever. Through cloud computing, businesses and individuals gain increased accessibility with reduced complexity.
Web Development
Web development services help create all types of web-based software and ensure great experience for web users. Different types of web solutions may seem similar from the outside but we approach them differently and know what factors are winning in each case.
Mobile Development
To stay relevant, responsive and successful, organizations need to develop the mobile applications that their customers, partners and employees demand.
Network Security
A well designed network security solution reduces overhead expenses and safeguards organizations from costly losses that occur from a data breach or other security incident.
UI UX Services
It is important to have a striking website, e-commerce platform or app. Users must be able to navigate it easily, to find what they are searching for intuitively, and in fewer clicks. Otherwise you will lose them. That’s why we put your users in the spotlight when designing UI and UX.
Desktop Development
Rely on ALLIANCE TRADING GROUP ample experience in delivering successful desktop software – and enjoy your modernized or brand-new desktop application.
Technical Solutions
ALLIANCE TRADING GROUP is a managed services provider, offering IT services, products and knowledge to maintain personal computer networks. It is through our highly trained and certified consultants that we can offer cutting edge technical solutions to our clients with confidence.
Backup/Cloud Services
Technical Support Services
Back-office Support
Customer Care
Incident/Problem/Change management
Outsourcing and Managed Services
Strategy and Design Services
Our Mission
Our mission is to achieve success for and inspire our partners and customers by consistently and persistently doing things the right way. As a visionary technology group, we believe innovative technology can solve some of the greatest problems of our time, while creating the greatest value for those we serve.
SIEM Consultant
Experience in system administration (Linux, Windows).
Experience related to information security.
Programming experience in Python
(or another high-level language).
Knowledge of Bash and Batch.
Proficiency in English at an Upper-Intermediate level or higher.
Middle/Senior Python Developer
Data Engineer
We encourage authenticity, open communication, collaborative team environments, and hunger for innovation. We’re always on the lookout for fresh talent, so be sure to check out our open positions.
4+ years of commercial Python development (Django, Flask, Django Rest Framework, Django admin lte2.
Understanding in architecture patterns (microservices, scaling, load balancing.
Skills in configuration CI\CD, autodeployment to cloud, Git flow variants.
Experience in developing data solutions based on AWS.
Strong Knowledge (writing effective queries) in MS SQL, MySQL, Redshift.
Knowledge of Tableau, PostGre.
Intermediate or higher English level.
Strong analytical skills, good communication skills.
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Software Development
Technical Solutions
Date of incorporation 13.02.2023
Complex, Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, MH96960 Majuro, Marshall Islands